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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hiking the Slickrock Trail

This evening I hiked the fabled Slickrock Trail just east of Moab, Utah.
I had heard from locals about how great it was to hike the practice loop (3 miles round trip) during the winter when the bikes are few and the locals rule the place. I tried during New Year's weekend to hike the trail with a local artists but the snow was deep enough that we got off track and she fell on her rear-end a few times due to the icy conditions...not a good day.
But today was special. I started out from the parking lot at 5 PM, the sun still hanging in the west, no wind, temperatures in the high 40's, no people for miles. Imagine a place where you can hike for miles across twisting and turning sandstone trails that lead you past some of the most coveted views of the American west. It's really something to see, with 200 foot vertical gorges at your feet and the towering La Sal Mountains draped in fresh snow as a backdrop. The trail is marked with a white stripe every 30 feet which is a good thing because there are at least 2 opportunities on the practice loop to miss a critical turn and ride your bike into eternity. I love the wildness of this place.

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