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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Color Studies as a Design Tool.

I thought I would share a design tip.
Though I usually paint my subjects outside "plein-air" then bring the paintings indoors to develop a larger painting, this time I worked from a photo of this hotel, which I adjusted the dimensions to fit what I wanted the painting to convey,  then I painted 3 small studies to see which lighting condition looked the best. My initial thought was to go with the Evening Light version, but then I brought my wife in and had her look at the paintings and give me her initial response, which I think is vital to the process, since my decision can be skewed by spending too much time staring at the canvas.

Tell me what you think. Which one would you pick? If you were painting this scene, what mood would you want to express to the viewer?

Daylight study
Evening light study 
Night study

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