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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Silo's of Carson Valley

Painting No. 134,The Silo's of Carson Valley Carson Valley, Nevada
6"x 8", oil on linen board
October 12, 2011

I finally found time to paint yesterday. It's been nearly a month since the last opportunity.

Not far from my house is a row of local farms near the highway, where these 3 silos have stood for as long as I've lived here ( 38 years yikes!).
The afternoon light was low and clean. Notice that the silos and the foreground brushline form an "L" shape, this on one of the standards composition shapes as described by Edgar Payne. Notice also that without the strong silos in the middle ground that this painting of fields and mountains would be quite boring. I try to add a strong vertical element if possible in each painting to add excitement. Also notice the long mountain shadow extending in from the right side of the painting. This is common effect here in Carson Valley. I think I did a good job of getting the mountain detail inside and outside of the mountain shadow.


  1. Hi James!

    I just came across this beautiful piece of art and really wanted to use it as a background for a tech startup that I'm building. Is this something you'd be open to considering?

    Please let me know!

  2. Hi james!

    Would you be interested in selling the original? Only for my personal use!
