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Monday, June 6, 2011

Spring Evening, West Carson River

Painting No. 99, Spring Evening, West Carson River Woodford's Station, California
20"x16" oil on canvas

Sunday afternoon I couldn't take the rainy weather any longer, so I went for a drive and ended up west of Woodford's Station on Hwy 88. The location caught my eye as I'm driving up through the canyon, so I turn around and go back to investigate. This is my first time seeing these falls, and they are impressive, especially with the huge amount of water that's forced into this narrow canyon from the rains and subsequent snow melt.
Daylight is fading, so I quickly set-up my easel, draw a couple pencil sketches of different compositions, and finally settle for a view of the upper half of the falls. About 15 minutes into the work, it begins to sprinkle. At 20 minutes I realize that I don't have enough white paint to finish in the field. I'm starting to get frustrated which, believe it or not, actually helps me to paint faster and better. I push on, cursing the weather and my lack of planning.

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